The State of My Readers-Writers Workshop
This week is our Spring Break, so it’s the perfect time for me to reflect on the workshop practices in my high school English Language Arts classes. For those who have been following my journey into workshoping, much of this will be familiar; however, this blog will also highlight many of the revisions I’ve made since its inception. This is a bit lengthy, but I hope it can be of some assistance. CLASS STRUCTURE I divide my class into three sections, as follows: · 15 minutes of independent reading time. Students enter the room, rearrange the desks as their class decided upon , and settle into reading their self-selected novel. · 20 minutes of direct instruction. This may be modeling a reading strategy, modeling writing, lecturing on a new topic, or reviewing the expectations of an assignment. My co-teachers and I may ask questions and engage the class at this time, but often...